Graphics and 3D

2018 – 3DGen
A software allowing the user to easily create a procedurally generated 3D terrain through a simple GUI. It’s also possible to export this terrain into a OBJ format and import it into any common 3D Viewer / Editor.
Based on Perlin’s Noise, using Qt and OpenGL.

Screenshots :






Source and Download :
Currently under development, I’ll upload it once basic functionalities are completed.

References :

2018 – BMPLib
A library allowing the user to create and write in a Bitmap Image File, doesn’t have any dependencies, except for the standard library.

2016 – ray42
A very basic raytracer, developed using a simple X-Window programming API (minilibx).

2016 – Wolf3D
A 3D engine using the Raycasting technique, inspired by games like Wolfeinstein 3D and Doom.